Day 33: Haze

Photo Jul 17, 7 50 19I thought it was fog when I got to CMU around 6:30am. Then it was thicker around 8am as I was leaving. And it hung around the rest of the day.

The weather is getting really nasty here. It’s brutally hot in the afternoons, incredibly muggy in the mornings, and the thunderstorms don’t stick around long enough to do anything other than look menacing. And send the AT&T automated messages into a tizzy, encouraging everyone to simply shut them off, effectively negating any benefit that new “feature” might have had.

I finished a full revision of Aim 1. Took me two days to do it. And now I have enough edits back to keep me busy for another week, even though we’d like a draft ready to circulate today, and the full version is hard due next Monday.

I need about 6 more hours each day. I did, however, learn that “salvific” is a word.

About Shannon Quinn

Oh hai!
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2 Responses to Day 33: Haze

  1. Keep up the good work, Shannon. You can do it!

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